
Worried About Cavities? What You Can Do to Prevent Them

A cavity is a hole in your tooth created by tooth decay. Cavities can be caused by poor oral hygiene habits, sugary diets, and even genetics. Cavities can be uncomfortable, and if left without treatment, cavities can even lead to infection in your tooth. Seeing your dentist in Miramar, FL can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. In addition, there are many things you can do to help prevent cavities. Below, we’ve listed three important things you can do to prevent cavities.

1. Get Dental Sealants

A dental sealant is a protective coating that’s painted over your molars. Once the dental sealant is hardened, it can protect your tooth from bacteria for years. Dental sealants can dramatically decrease your chances of getting a cavity. Many kids get dental sealants, but you can get them if you’re an adult too! To learn more, talk to your dentist about sealants.

2. Practice Good Oral Hygiene At Home

Brush twice daily and floss once daily. When you brush, do it for two minutes at a time. Consider a high quality electric toothbrush for removing dental plaque. Avoid pushing too hard on your teeth when you brush, as this can cause gum recession and loss of tooth enamel.

3. Cut Back On Sugar

A sugary diet can lead to cavities. Stock up on sugar-free snacks at home. Nuts, boiled eggs, and sugar-free peanut butter on celery are all examples of sugar-free snacks that can be filling and good for your teeth.

Don’t forget to see your dentist twice a year for teeth cleaning in Miramar, FL! Call Miramar Smiles Dentistry today to make your next appointment.

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